
We make every effort to provide all of our guests with an enjoyable experience. All performances and facilities are accessible. For additional information about accessibility at Ravinia or if you have questions, need assistance, or an accommodation not mentioned below, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at [email protected].
Attending a Concert
Accessible Seating

The Pavilion, Martin Theatre, and Bennett Gordon Hall all have wheelchair and scooter accessible locations where guests can remain in their wheelchairs or transfer to seats. Guests who cannot or do not wish to transfer from their wheelchairs to a theater seat should request wheelchair- and scooter-accessible locations when ordering tickets.
Wheelchair accessible seating may be purchased by phone, in person, and online. For personal assistance selecting accessible seats or for more information about accessibility for a person with a disability, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at [email protected].
Lawn Seating

The park has paved accessible paths throughout. The Lawn may be accessed from any of these paths and is accessible.
Accessible Restrooms

There are many restrooms throughout the park and most are accessible. View a map of accessible restrooms.
Guests Who Have Mobility Disabilities
Accessible Parking

Designated accessible parking for vehicles bearing valid Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) disability parking placards or license plates is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Accessible parking is located on the right-of-way south of the Tyler (West) Gate off of St. Johns Ave., as well as in the West Parking Lot.
Parking is limited, so please plan to arrive early for highly attended performances. The distance from the West Parking Lot to the Pavilion is approximately 0.15 miles.
Accessible Park and Ride Shuttle Service

Park and Ride shuttles are operated by Pace, and select buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Buses are scheduled for all highly attended performances. Check performance webpages for availability.
Metra Trains

The Metra Union Pacific North Line, operating between Chicago’s Ogilvie Transportation Center and Kenosha, WI, drops off Ravinia guests at the Tyler (West) Gate, the main entrance to the park, during the summer concert season. Metra train cars and platforms are accessible.
Mobility Assistance

For guests with mobility disabilities, Ravinia offers assistance at all performances in the Martin Theatre and Pavilion. At these events, service staff is available at all entrances to assist people who have mobility disabilities on a first-come, first-served basis. For the safety of staff and guests, wheelchair service does not extend into the parking areas. Ravinia does not have wheelchairs available for rent.
At classical concerts in the Pavilion and Martin Theatre, motorized mobility carts driven by Ravinia staff are available inside the park. These motorized carts will pick up and drop off guests with mobility disabilities from designated locations throughout the park. They are unable to take guests to and from the parking lots. Carts will run from the time the park opens through the beginning of the performance, and again at the conclusion of the performance. Some exclusions apply. Please contact the box office to check a specific date.
Guests Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Assistive listening devices (ALDs) amplify and clarify sound by cutting down or eliminating ambient noise. Infrared assistive listening systems are installed in all theaters and headsets may be used at any seat. Due to the sound delays inherent in broadcast sound, these devices do not work on the lawn. Headsets are distributed free-of-charge on a first-come, first-served basis from the main box office at the west entrance to the park. While there is no charge for this service, an ID or major credit card is required as a deposit.
Guests Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision
Program book and informational materials about Ravinia, its facilities and performances are available in large or electronic format (24-hour prior notice required for program notes.)
Guests Who Require Sensory Enhancement
Ravinia is proud to offer a sensory-friendly environment for our guests who have any additional needs or challenges related to sensory sensitivities. If someone in your group may benefit from modifications from sensory sensitivities, Please reach out to the box office with any questions prior to your visit or visit the info booth upon your arrival for more information on accommodations.