About Ravinia®

Entrance to ravinia near dusk from afar. Martin theatre and tyler gate visible
Low shot of Ravinia's main Tyler Gate at night lit up General Information

Who we are and what we do.

Old black and white historical photo of Ravinia Gate History

First opened in 1904, Ravinia is home to the longest running outdoor music festival in the United States.

3 examples of ravinia magazine covers Ravinia Magazine

Free to read online or at the park, a full-color publication that provides insightful articles on Ravinia artists and performances.

3 examples of Ravinia Poster winners Poster Contest

The Ravinia Women’s Board’s annual design competition for a poster to promote the upcoming Ravinia Festival season.

Kaplan fountain in front of Ravinia's main gate. lighted blue fountain mid-spray Kohl Kaplan Fountain

While Ravinia’s stages are being prepped, there is still a performance to behold at the Kohl Kaplan Fountain.

Picnic Contest

Elaborate and elegant picnics are part of the ambiance and tradition at Ravinia. Show us your stuff in our annual picnic contest.

Grass with ravinia logo on top Meet The Team

A great organization begins with the people behind it. 

Ravinia employee smiling at camera Employment Opportunities

Browse our available job positions. Ravinia is an equal-opportunity employer.

Annual Report

A great organization begins with the people behind it. Learn more about our family and how you can have a place here as well.

photo of Highland Park sign Our Home Town

Ravinia is located in a residential neighborhood. Get to know our hometown city of Highland Park.

graphic of phone in a circle on a grass background Contact Us

We will be happy to assist you! See how to get in touch with our team.