Dedicate a Tree or Bench

Established in 1972, the “To Beautify Ravinia” commemorative gift program is one of the many activities of the Ravinia Women’s Board. This program offers the opportunity to dedicate trees and benches at Ravinia in honor of your loved ones.
Many beautiful trees throughout the park are available for dedication, including honey locust, red oak, green seedless ash, river birch, and Japanese tree lilac. Prices are determined by tree variety, size, and location. Signage installed on each tree recognizes the donor and the honoree.
Tax-deductible donations start at $8,000
Beautiful teak benches in highly visible locations throughout the park are available for dedication. Donors have the opportunity to specify appropriate text on attractive metal plaques installed on each bench.
Tax-deductible donation: $12,000
For more information about tree and bench dedication opportunities, contact the Women’s Board office at 847-266-5045.
Other physical and programmatic naming opportunities are available throughout the park; for a complete description, please contact the Development Department at 847-266-5461 or [email protected].